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What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine uses nutrition and lifestyle as primary modes of healing rather than pharmaceutical intervention as the first or only option for managing chronic imbalances. 


I aim to understand my patients, and the people who love them, to create dynamic, customized care plans.  My goal is to promote a higher state of ongoing well-being for as long as possible.  



What is TCVM?

TCVM stands for Traditional C
hinese Veterinary Medicine.  This system contains 4 Branches: Acupuncture, Food Therapy, Tui-Na, Herbal Therapy.  These methods have been used for thousands of years in China and form the basis of my training as an integrative practitioner.    


How Does it Work?

TCVM Practitioners use a detailed history and examination to detect patterns of imbalance or disharmony in the body.  Using a combination of the 4 branches listed below, the practitioner can formulate an individualized treatment plan based on the animals’ unique underlying patterns, not just the symptoms displayed. 

A customized treatment plan will aim to counteract the imbalances, therefore encouraging harmony within the body and tap into the body’s unique ability to heal itself. 





Most people are aware of the benefits of acupuncture but have never considered it for their pets. Animals tend to respond very well to this therapy, and most find it relaxing.


Acupuncture includes the use of sterile needles to activate or calm different points within the body along channels called meridians.  Each meridian corresponds to a different organ system. 


Stimulating acupuncture points along the body’s surface, can be used to channel the internal energy of the body and it’s systems. 

Uses: Pain relief, Nerve stimulation, Internal organ disharmony, stimulating appetite, calming, immune support, encourage healing.



Food Therapy is an ancient healing method that uses food as medicine.  This branch of medicine includes using the energetics and properties of different ingredients to help harmonize the animal. 



In Chinese, “Tui” means to push and “Na” means to pinch, hold, pull, or lift. 


​What is Tui Na?


How does it work?

Energy flows through the body in channels which correspond to different organs.  By stimulating different points, similar to acupuncture, these organs can be activated or relaxed.  It can also release tension to areas closer to the surface including skin, muscles, and joints.  A body that is relaxed, and free of tension is better equipped to heal.  


What are the benefits?


Tui-Na can improve function of internal organs such as liver, kidneys, heart.  It can help activate nerves and muscles so it can be helpful in cases of weakness or paralysis or after an injury or surgery.  It can help strengthen immunity and can be used for a variety of painful conditions such as muscle spasms, tendon and ligament injuries, and joint pain. 

One of the biggest benefits in practice is that owners can be taught to perform this therapy at home



Chinese herbal formulations include the use of ingested or topical preparations of plant and mineral origin that can restore the energy balance in the body.  These formulations can have strong effects on the body, and are used on a prescription basis similar to modern pharmaceuticals

Cup with placemat and branches

Benefits of TCVM Approach


TCVM is a healing method that utilizes the underlying imbalances in the body and therefore treating the root of illness.


TCVM is customizable to each pet and each household. 


TCVM is dynamic, and recommendations by your TCVM practitioner will continue to change based on your pet’s progress. 



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Curious is integrative medicine is right for you? 

Click below to schedule a brief call with Dr. Walkush to discuss possible treatment options for your pet.

Contact Me


Text: (425)243-2278





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